perm filename ROBOTS.2[AM,DBL] blob sn#417345 filedate 1979-02-14 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: FREDDY         Owner: Doug Lenat	 Experience: 310,000
C00007 00003	Name:ABEL            Owner: Doug Lenat	 Experience: 245,000
C00013 00004	CHARACTER TYPE -- ROBOT -- subtype of Fighter
C00023 00005	SPELLS  --  Level 1
C00047 ENDMK
Name: FREDDY         Owner: Doug Lenat	 Experience: 310,000
Class: ROBOT 	Level: 11		Alignment: Neu 		Race: Robot

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   17           11           9          18           10          11

Hits (+4):  102

Gold banked: 158,170   	 	       Gold carried: 300; 10,000 in jewels
Doors: 1-3   			       Bars/gates: 13%         
Current adjusted weight: 700	       Extra weight: +3600 

Armor class: -2   	   (2 robot in Plate; 2 +2 armor; 2 +2 shield)
Arm attack bonus:    +11   (+1 Str, +8 for Fighter 11; +2 Sword)
Arm damage bonus:     +3     (+1 Str, +2 Sword)
Missle attack bonus:  +8    (+8 for Fighter 11)
Ability to speak with metal at will (veracity/felicity unaffected)
Armor class -1 when throwing spells in meelee
Ability to climb and descend stairs and ropes
90% ignored by noncorporeal undead; if attacked, get -2 on robot's attack
Arm holds 50 darts, fires 11/round, takes 2rounds to reload.
If hit by fire, tank has 9% chanc  of exploding (2d4 for each oil, unconsc 1d12 t)
Cast healing spell 1r after death, 50% chance of healing/regen scroll 1r.

Saving throws:     Poison 6  Wands 7  Stone 7  Dragon 7 Spells 10

Magic items, weapons, & armor:  
	+2 Plate armor (2 digested)
	+2 shield (2 digested)
	+2/+2 swords (2 digested)  Detect magic, Speak
	Rings with continual darkness and continual light compartments
	One hour of help from Superhero w/ +3 sword,shield,armor (from DECK)

	Know direction, Double-up, Charm metal, Major flaiming arm,
	Explode, Stealth, Sphere of invulnerability, Mechanical wish
	Fatal Spark no saving throw, Stealth, Major Repair, Regenerate
Pseudomagic Items: 	
	14 darts with Continual Light/Darkness & Magic Mouths on them:
		Orcas call, Singing, Counting, Screams, Laughs, Footsteps, Breathing
	Magic Mouths on all magic possessions, which cry out at theiving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of body, sacks which warn of rear attack
	Parchment and pellets with pseudospells on them: Wish, Explode

Equipment:	[weight: 3800]
   Carried (slung):     1 50' ropes	2 skins (water/wine)
   Bandeleros of:	9 Holy Water  	300 darts  	15 Oil
   Quiver containing: 	13 Oil flasks	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   On belt:		12 scrolls	1 silver mirror	24 darts
   In backpack:		1 tool kit 	9 holy water	10 spare oil	60 darts
   In left arm:		50 darts	Quiver of 50 darts over left shoulder

Spells taken in:
	1st (1): Double-up
	2nd (1): Flaming arm
	3rd (2): Serious shock, Foam spray, Foam spray
	4th (3): Major shock, Repair, Repair
	5th (3): Improved vision, Major repair, Elec. shield
	6th (1): Mechanical Wish

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man   >man  spc  spd rate
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---   ----  ---  --- ----
Arm (+2/+2)             8   6   4   3   2   1   0  -2  -4   1d8+3 1d12+3  0    1   3/2
Darts (from arm)       14  12  10   8   6   4   2   2   0   1d3+1 1d2+1 1.5/3/4.5 11
Name:ABEL            Owner: Doug Lenat	 Experience: 245,000
Class: MONK 	     Level: 8 		 Alignment: L.G.	Race: Human

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   17           11         18.82        13           17           9

Hits:  26

Gold banked: 41,712   	 	       Gold carried: 300; 10,000 in jewels
Doors: 1-3   			       
Current adjusted weight: 700	       Extra weight: +500 

Armor class: -1   	   (AC 4 for Monk 8, +3 DEX mod; cloak of prot. +2)
Fist attack bonus:     +5  (+1 Str, +4 for Monk 8)
Sword attack bonus:    +7  (+1 Str, +4 for Monk 8; +2 for sword)
Sword damage bonus:    +7  (+1 Str, +2 Sword, +4 Monk 8)
Missle attack bonus:   +8  (+4 for Monk 8; +2 Dex; +1 Bow; +1 arrows)
78% ESP resistant
Able to speak with animals at will
Not subject to disease, haste, or slow; nor suggestion, hypnosis.
Feign death 16 turns at a time
Heal 1d6+2 points of damage on himself
Able to speak with plants at will (as Druid)
Able to dodge nonmagical missles on saving throw of Stone (10)
No damage at all if any saving throw is made
Half damage even if missed
Surprised only 1/5 of time (plus extra +2 on initiative due to DEX mod)
Can safely fall 30' if within 4' of a wall
Abilities as a thief of equal level:
	Open locks:		67%
	Find/remove traps:	55%
	Move silenetly:		67%
	Hide in shadows:	54%
	Hear noise:		25%
	Climb walls:		96%
Move 220'/turn
Attacks/meelee 2
Open hand damage 3-18
Can stun 1d6 rounds (or kill), if attack is 5 higher than "to-hit" 
	Percentage chance of killing: enemy AC+1 (old rules: 25%)

Saving throws:     Poison 10  Wands 11  Stone 10  Dragon 13 Spells 11

Magic items, weapons, & armor:  
	+2 Cloak of protection
	Umberhulk gem (1 umberhulk appears, serves 1 day)
	+2/+2 sword  See invisible
	Rings with continual darkness and continual light compartments
	+1/+1 Long bow, set of 12 +1 arrows (2 destroyed)
	One hour of help from Superhero w/ +3 sword,shield,armor (from DECK)
	Boots of silence
	2 cure light wounds potions
	1 oil of slipperyness
	1 potion of Giant Strength

Pseudomagic Items: 	
	14 arrows with Continual Light/Darkness & Magic Mouths on them:
		Orcas call, Singing, Counting, Screams, Laughs, Footsteps, Breathing
	Magic Mouths on all magic possessions, which cry out at theiving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of body, sacks which warn of rear attack
	Parchment and pellets with pseudospells on them: Wish, Quivering palm

Equipment:	[weight: 600]
   Carried (slung):     1 50' ropes	2 skins (water/wine)
   Bandeleros of:	9 Holy Water  	herbs           1 silver mirror
   Quiver containing: 	10 +1 arrows 	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	Quiver of 12 silver arrows
   In backpack:		1 tool kit 	9 holy water	3 daggars  

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man   >man  spc  spd rate
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---   ----  ---  --- ----
Open hand (+1/+1 Str)  19  16  14  10   8   7   4   5   0   3d6+1 3d6+1   0    1   2
    to stun:           24  21  19  15  13  12   9  10   5
    to kill: (%)        3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11
Long sword (+2/+2)     12  10   8   7   6   5   4   2   0   1d8+7 1d12+7  3    5   2
Long Bow (+1;+1 arr)   10   8   7   5   3   1   0  -1  -2   1d6+1 1d6+1   7/14/21 2
CHARACTER TYPE -- ROBOT -- subtype of Fighter

Race: Mechanical
Alignment: Neutral
Requisites:   Constitution > 16;   Strength > 16
Hits:   1-10 * level (3/level after level 12)
Description: Lumbering tin men

LEVEL	POINTS	Spells 1  2  3  4  5  6   Move  Damage  Water Cold/Heat
  1	     0         1  0  0  0  0  0    20    1d3     3d4    100%
  2       2000         3  0  0  0  0  0    40    1d4     3d4     90%
  3       4000         4  1  0  0  0  0    60    1d5     2d4     80%
  4       8000         4  2  0  0  0  0    70    1d6     2d4     70%
  5      16000         3  3  1  0  0  0    80    1d7     2d4     60%
  6      32000	       3  4  2  0  0  0    90    1d8     1d6	 50%
  7      64000	       2  4  3  1  0  0   100    1d9     1d6     45%
  8     100000	       2  3  4  2  0  0   110    1d10    1d4     40%
  9     160000         2  2  4  2  1  0   120    1d10    1d3     35%
 10     250000         1  2  3  3  2  0   120    1d10    1d2     30%
 11     310000         1  1  2  3  3  1   121    1d10     1      25%
 12     400000         1  1  1  4  4  2   122    1d10     0      24%
 13     500000         1  1  1  4  4  3   123    1d10     0      23%
 14     650000         0  1  1  3  4  4   124    1d10     0      22%
 15     810000         0  0  1  2  4  5   125    1d10     0      21%
 16    1000000         0  0  0  1  4  6   126    1d10     0      20%
 17    1200000         0  0  0  1  4  7   127    1d10     0      19%
 18    1400000         0  0  0  0  5  8   128    1d10     0      18%
>18  200000each  gain one level 6 spell, move 1 faster, take 1% less temp. damage

Robots are  antithetical to  Druids, and  often  go out  of their  way  to
destroy trees.  They get along  well with dwarves and half-orcs,  passably
with most other humanoids, and poorly  with elves. Their worst enemies  by
far are Rust  Monsters, and ANY  robot encountering one  must save  versus
fear (spells)  or  flee  in  terror.   Robots  are  not  flesh  and  blood
creatures, and therefore  do not emit the typical  life-energy aura  about
them; therefore, noncorporeal undead (such  as wraiths)  will never  drain
levels from  them,  and will  very  rarely attack  them  (90%  resistant).
Robots, for  their part,  do not  believe in  noncorporeal undead,  cannot
usually see them, and will not blow upon them unless directly attacked  by
one (in any case the robot's attack  will be at -2 anyway).  While  robots
are extremely  slow  and  awkward  initially,  at  high  levels  they  are
formidable opponents.

As robots  progress, they  become more  and more  sophisticated, and  they
gradually lose  their kinship  toward raw  metal, which  accounts for  the
curvilinear allotment of spells.

"Damage" refers to hitting with the robot's right arm, which attacks as  a
short sword.  Ingesting  two magic swords  in succession will  permanently
give that arm the minimum of their plusses, the union of their  abilities,
attacks as long  swords, and  the robot  is subject  to the  max of  their
intell/ego's.  Ingesting two magic shields (or armor) gives the robot  the
min of their plusses, and the union of any special powers they had.

"Water" refers to the damage a flask or  skin of water can do to a  robot.
A drizzle is 1 flask/turn, a heavy rain is 1 flask/round, immersion is  10

"Heat/Cold" refers to the  percentage of damage the  robot will take  from
heat and cold based attacks,  including magical fire and dragon's  breath.
This does not include  electrical attacks, which  are always full  damage.
Robots save at +2 against all heat and cold based attacks.

At level 2 robots can descend stairs,  and ascend them at level 3.   Ropes
can be  climbed  down  at level  4,  and  up at  level  5.   Robots  weigh
2000+(500-2000), they are  roughly 5'  tall, 18" diam.   From N'  distant,
they have a N/10 %  chance of  being mistaken for  humanoid. At level  10,
robots gain the ability to Speak with Metal at will.

Robots are treated as fighters with  respect to most magic, armor,  combat
tables, etc.,  except that  they have  NO proficiency  weapons. Thus  they
could wield  a magic  flail, but  at the appropriate proficiency  minuses.
Robots cannot use bows, but they can shoot darts (from their left arm)  at
[level]/round; level and dex bonuses apply.  The arm only holds 50  darts;
it takes the robot  2 rounds to  reload. Robots of level  3 or higher  can
cast spells  simultaneously with  neelee combat,  but they  will lose  one
armor class when doing so.

Robots can carry an extra 1500 +  100/level in weight, due to their  tough
construction (compared to living creatures).  Their armor class is base 9,
not 10, but they cannot carry shields (though they can eat them!).  Thus a
robot in plate would be armor class 2.

Robots require oil to run: 10 flasks/day (their "tank" can hold up to  100
flasks' worth, and they can of course carry additional oil).  If they  are
hit by fire, the  oil in their  tank has a  20-level% chance of  exploding
(2d4 damage from each flask, unconscious  for 1d12 turns, but heat  damage
percentage reduction applies to this damage as well).

If killed by rust, the robot can be resurrected merely by a good scrubbing
(costing 1000gp and occupying 1  week of time). This  has a 50% chance  of
reducing his CONST  by 1.  If  killed by  other damage, the  robot can  be
repaired if he makes his RESURRECTION roll,  at a cost of 1000gp x  level,
and his CONST will  definitely decrease by 1.   The time required will  be
level x 1d4 game days for these repairs.  For 1 round after death,  robots
can throw healing (repair, regeneration) spells, and have a 50% chance  of
being able to read a similar spell scroll they may have.  They cannot move
or communicate  during  this  round,  even if  they  choose  not  to  heal
SPELLS  --  Level 1

SPEAK WITH METAL:  One solid metal item (e.g., a key, but not a lock)
	within 30' of the robot. 2 rounds. Veracity and felicty not
	affected in any way.  No saving throw.

LIGHT SHOCK:  Identical to clerical Cause Minor Wounds spell, except the
	damage is caused by electrical energy.  The "touch" may be made
	by either party, and can be through one or even two metallic weapons.
	Thus if the attacker uses a sword and hits, a touch has been made.

RESIST WATER:  For the next 2d4 rounds, all water damage is halved.

DEACTIVATE SENSE: Any one ability of the robot (sight, hearing,
	smell, emotion, taste, respiration, feeling, locomotion) can be suspended
	for 2 rounds/level + 1d6 rounds.  Any one other sense is then
	appropriately enhanced for that time.  This is useful when, e.g.,
	approaching Harpies or Medusae, or when listening at a door.

PROTECTION FROM METAL:  One solid metal item within 40' of the robot can
	be affected; that item will then only inflict half damage upon
	the robot, and any saving throws will be at +2. Duration 1 turn.
	There is no saving throw, although magic can negate this spell of course.

INGEST METAL:  Metallic armor, weapons, shields, mechanisms, etc. can be
	swallowed.  As discussed above, some magical properties may be
	acquired by the robot. Any damage done internally is doubled.
	Items can be excreted any time within 1 day, but magic items
	whose properties have been absorbed will no longer be magical.

PERSONAL SILENCE:  For 5 + 1d10 rounds, the robot will be no noisier
	than an elf or hobbit in leather armor.

KNOW DIRECTION:  Using internal gyros, the robot can tell direction
	to within 2d20 degrees.  This is N/S/E/W, not up/down.

KNOW DEPTH:  Using a diferent set of gyros, the robot can estimate
	depth underground or altitude to within 1d20%.

DOUBLE-UP:  For the next 6 rounds, the robot can perform two functions
	each round (two blows, one spell and one spray of darts, etc.)

DETECT METAL & KIND:  100' radius, 10rounds (500', 10turns outdoors)

SPELLS --  Level 2

COMMAND METAL:  One solid metal object can be commanded for 2 rounds;
	the command must be a two-word imperative sentence ("attack Bilbo").
	Range 60', no saving throw unless magical or wielded by a character
	of level 8 (or intelligence 16) or more.

TRUTHSPEAK METAL:  One solid metal object will answer 3 yes/no queries
	honestly, to the best of its knowledge and experience.  The
	intelligence of the object is not relevant. No saving throw.
	Range is 10'.

SPEAK WITH DEVICE:  Like 1st level Speak with metal, but non-solid objects
	can be affected (locks, traps, mechanisms).

HEAT METAL:  Same as 2nd level Druid spell

SHOCK:  Same as 3rd level Cleric spell Cause Serious Wounds, but electrical.

SPARK:  Same as 1st level Minor Shock, but can be thrown as a bolt 15' long.

REPEL WATER:  Impervious to water for 3 rounds, then quarter-damage for 10.

EXTINGUISH FLAME:  Jet of CO2 spurts forth up to 15'.  It can extinguish
	1+1d4 flasks of oil's fire.  Cannot be used offensively.

FLAMING ARM:  Right arm flames; this may do additinal damage to opponents
	if struck (if susceptible to flaming oil). 1d4 rounds.

DETECT TRAPS:  same as 2nd level Clerical spell Find Traps.

MINOR REPAIR:  Robot can heal 1d6 damage to itself. Cast in: 2 rounds.

FEIGN DEATH:  This is the same as the Clerical spell (qv).

SPELLS  --  Level 3

SERIOUS SPARK:  2d8 damage, 25' range, no saving throw.

SERIOUS SHOCK:  3d8 damage, creature touched, no saving throw.

FOAM SPRAY:  Jet of CO2 20' long, cone-shaped, can be used defensively
	(putout 5 flasks of oil worth of fire) or offensively, either
	to blind 1d8 rounds, or stun 1d4-1 rounds (saving throws for these
	attacks) or to make the ground slippery (50% chance of slipping
	over an area up to 20'x20' immediately in front of the robot) 1d8 rounds.

TELESCOPE:  Robot can see 60'/level underground, 400'/level
	in full daylight (assuming no obstruction, fog, etc.).  This
	lasts 1 round/level, and cannot be prematurely terminated
	by the robot.  He is effectively blind (cannot see nearby
 	objects) during this spell.

TRUTHSPEAK DEVICE:  Any mechanical contrivance can be compelled to answer
	four YES/NO questions truthfully (to the best of its experience).

CHARM METAL:  Any one solid metal object can be charmed for 2d12 rounds.
	If it is wielded or on someone's person, he gets a saving throw.
	Objects can be commanded to function, to fly, to freeze, etc.

PROTECTION FROM ELECTRICITY:  For 2xLevel turns, robot saves at +3 against
	electrical attacks (e.g., lightening), and suffers only half normal
	damage in any case.

INVULNERABILITY FROM WATER:   For 2xLevel turns, robot cannot be harmed by
	water, and for the next 2xLevel turns, he suffers only half damage.
	This spell requires 3 full rounds to cast.

DETECT MAGIC METAL OBJECTS:  This is like the MU spell Detect
	Magic, but it functions only for items with at least 50% metal
	content.  The robot will have a 5% chance of picking up a
	property or plus of an object, and a 20% chance of detecting
	that a curse exists on a cursed object. This lasts 1 round per
	level of caster, and the robot can turn 60 degrees per round.
	The sensing occurs in a 60 degree wedge extending 20'/level
	of the robot, even through stone and metal (five times that
	range outdoors).

LOCATE METAL OBJECT:  Functions like locate object spell of MU or Cleric,
	but range is very great (1000' underground, 10 miles outdoors)
	and object class very limited (solid metal object only).

SPELLS -- Level 4

MAJOR SHOCK: 5d8 damage by touch. No saving throw permitted.

MAJOR SPARK: 4d8 damage in a bolt up to 35' long. Saving throw
	allowed; if made, take 2/3 damage.

REPAIR:  Robot can repair damage to itself, from whatever source.
	He gains 1d6 hit points in 1st round, another 1d6 11th round,
	etc., for a total of up to [level/2] such 1d6 repairs.  If level/2
	is odd, the final repair is 1d3.

MICROSCOPE:  Similar to telescope, this allows the robot to
	view any small adjacent object at 100x magnification per level,
	for 1/2 rounds/level, during which time the robot is blind.

MAJOR FLAMING ARM:  Right arm flames equivalent to two flasks of oil,
	doing that amount of additional damage to opponent (if hit).
	Duration [level+1] rounds.

PROTECTION FROM METAL 10' RADIUS:  As first level spell, but duration
	is doubled, and all members of the Robot's party within 10'
	are each protected against one metal object (may be the same
	one or a different one, at their choice).

IDENTIFY METAL:  This works much like the MU spell Identify,
	but there are no time limitations on when it may be thrown,
	the base chance is 1.5 times what the same level MU's would be,
	and the robot need merely touch the object to be identified.
	The object must be at least 50% metal.

TRIANGULATE:  The robot uses precise parallax measurements
	to compute the distance to a particular object.  He adds in
	compensation for wind, gravity irregularities, etc., and is then
	capable of unerringly hitting that target in subsequent rounds
	of missle fire, up to and including the first round in which
	that object or the robot moves.  This takes 1 round to cast,
	and the type of missle weapon must be announced in advance.
	If the object moves during the round in which the spell is being
	cast, there is a 75% chance of it failing (i.e., normal hit
	probabilities next round).

ROBOT SUMMONING I:  1-4 robots appear, of levels 1-[level/2], after
	a delay of 1d4 rounds, and remain and fight for 3d4 rounds.

FEIGN LIFE:  The robot appears to have life energy.  A wraith, e.g.,
	might then waste time attacking the robot; a physician would
	report the robot to really be a disguised humanoid; etc. The
	robot has a 50% + 5%/level chance of passing for humanoid by
	sight (not life-energy examination) if he wishes.
	Duration is 2xLevel turns.

TONGUES:  Allows the robot to understand and speak any language
of any creature (including monsters) within 40' for 1 round/level.

SPELLS -- Level 5

CRITICAL SHOCK: 7d8 damage by touch.  No saving throw.

CRITICAL SPARK: 7d8 damage up to 60', saving throw (1/2 damage).

MAJOR SPARK NO SAVING THROW: 6d8 damage up to 35', no saving throw
	allowed, but the robot suffers 1d8 damage as well.

ELECTRICAL SHIELD:  Same as Mage's Fire Shield spell, but the energy
	is electrical not chemical, and a humming noise can be heard.

PROTECTION FROM ENERGY:  Protects against lightening, walls of force,
	Bigby's various Hands, telekinesis, reverse gravity, etc.
	Duration 1 round/level.

IGNORE WATER:  Water damage is negated for 1 game day, and any
	existing water damage is halved (if robot is still functioning).

BUILD HENCHMAN I:  The robot is able to construct a small robot
	to serve him, a kind of mechanical henchman.  It will be
	of level [caster/4] (.5 rounded down), and will serve him faithfully.
	Each robot can have but one henchman at a time.  This costs
	1000 gold per level of the spell caster, and requires one game
	day per level of the spell caster.

ORIENTATION:  Robot will know with certainty what direction he is
	facing, how much up/down tilt he has, what his depth and
	altitude are, and (within 20% accuracy) where "on the map"
	he is located.

BLUEPRINT:  This is analogous to the Mage's Clone spell (qv).  The
	robot leaves a blueprint of himself behind.  

EXPLODE:  This is a suicidal move which is almost guaranteed to take
	somebody along with the robot!  He intentionally overloads
	his circuits, heats up, and finally explodes.  There is
	2 rounds of preparation, 6 rounds heating, and 1 round of
	explosion.  Any creature within 10 feet of the robot takes
	five times the robot's normal hitpoint total (not his current total),
	and this decreases linearly, so, e.g, anyone 50' away would
	take the robot's hitpoint total exactly; anyone 200' away would
	take a quarter as much damage, etc.  Saving throws are permitted,
	but only for those more than 40' distant, and even then they
	will take half damage.  If the robot is attacked successfully
	anytime during the course of this particular spell, it will
	fail to go off.  The exploded robot will never be reparable, but
	he will long be remembered for this one.

RESIST MAGIC:  No 1st-4th level Magical or Clerical spells have any effect.
	Duration 3rounds/level.

ROBOT SUMMONING II:  1-4  robots appear, after 1-2 round delay,
	ranging in levels from 2 to [level of caster]-3, and remain and
	fight for 3d4+1 rounds.

BUILD HENCHMAN II:  The robot is able to construct a small robot
	to serve him, a kind of mechanical henchman.  It will be
	of level [caster/2] (rounded up), and will serve him faithfully.
	Each robot can have but one henchman at a time.  This costs
	3000 gold per level of the spell caster, and requires one game
	week per level of the spell caster.

STEALTH:  The robot is able to make himself invisible and move silently
	for 1 round/level. Even magic-resistant creatures must make
	their magic resistance rolls twice to notice the robot.
IMPROVED VISION:  For 2 rounds/level, the robot can see
	invisible, use telescopic vision, microscopic vision, see creatures
	on the ethereal plane (out of phase) and astral plane, as well
	as normal vision (robot chooses each round).

MAJOR REPAIR:  Robot can repair damage to itself, from whatever source.
	He gains 2d4 hit points each round, for [level-1] rounds (unless disturbed).

SPELLS -- Level 6

FATAL SHOCK:  10d8 damage by touch, no saving throw.

FATAL SPARK:  10d8 damage, up to 100' distant, saving throw permitted.
	(in which case half damage applies). Stuns robot for 1 round.

FATAL SPARK NO SAVING THROW: 9d8 damage, up to 120',
	no saving throw allowed, but robot also takes 2d8 damage.
	Robot will be stunned for 1d4 rounds after this.

REGRESS:  Robot can cast any 2 lower level spells he chooses, 
	even 1st level, either simultaneously or separated in time
	by at most 1 round/level.  Duration, range, etc. are unaffected.
	This prevents him from casting another 6th level spell for 5 
	turns, and 5th level spell for 1 turn.

WRITE:  Robot can prepare scrolls of spells he knows. Cost of
	materials is 2000 gold x level of spell x level of spell.  Time
	required is level x (level+3) game weeks of fulltime effort.
	Thus a fifth level scroll would cost 50,000 gold and take
	40 game weeks to prepare.

QUAD-UP:  The robot can do 4 things simultaneously (4 attacks. or
	1 attack 2 spells and 1 dart spray, etc.) for 1 round/level.

READ MAGIC:  This enables robots to read MU scrolls and other
	magical runes and symbols.

ROBOT SUMMONING III:  1-6  robots appear, after 1 round delay,
	ranging in levels from [level of caster / 2]  to [level of caster]-1, 
	and remain and fight for 3d4+2 rounds.

SPHERE of INVULNERABILITY:  No missles, clerical, nor magical spells
	can pass in or out of this transparent sphere, of radius up to
	10' about the robot (his choice of radius) for 3 rounds/level.
	Casting time is 2 rounds.  Opponents swinging metal weapons
	inside, or thrusting any body part inside, will suffer
	1d6 damage per level of the robot for each round they act thusly.
	(Saving throw applies; half damage).  The robot needn't concentrate
	on this once thrown.

MECHANICAL WISH:  Similar to the MU's Limited Wish spell, this should
	focus on some metallic or mechanical theme for best effect. 
	One Mechanical Wish spell could, e.g., request that all robots
	in the party be healed completely.  The robot has a 10% 
	chance of dropping one level (modified by up to 5% depending
	how greedy/reasonable the wish was). At referee's discretion, 3
	mechanical wish spells thrown at once (in tandem) are roughly
	equal in power to one full Wish (MU spell); if thrown by the
	same robot, he has a 60% chance of dropping one full level.

X-RAY VISION:  Robot has (50+ 2xLevel)% chance of seeing
	through a normal door (up to 3' thick stone, 5' wood), for
	4 rounds.  Even if he fails, he will sense a vague presence
	if one exists immediately opposite the other side of the door.
	This can be combined with Improve Vision (qv) for a quite
	effective long-range X-ray scan.~

REGENERATE:  This repairs 1 hit point of damage per TURN while the robot is
	alive, and 1 hit point per ROUND after the robot dies, and lasts
	until the robot is at full strength, no matter
	how long that takes.  If the robot dies, this is capable of
	regenerating him (eventually!), perhaps even several times.
	The duration is 1 turn/level, plus more time if the robot is
	damaged at the end of that period.